What is the most mysterious to you?

Thursday, August 23

632 pages that will change your life

If you've ever wondered about life, karma, or anything to do with metaphysics or breaking that glass ceiling so you can truly attain your goals - you need look no further than Our Ultimate Reality. I'm absolutely astounded at how much ground this book covers!

Literally everything from religion, to psychology, to metaphysics is taken care of in a concise and got-to-gobble manner. I'm apologizing in advance, because this book will keep you awake well past your bed time.

"Our Ultimate Reality" is well worth the $37 - and even if you read it and don't think it is, they offer a 56 day money-back guarantee. What do you have to lose, besides a few misguided paradigms?

Tuesday, August 21

Introducing, The Bloggers

Hello and welcome to Mystik Health!

This site is currently maintained by two bloggers. I'm Miche, your host over at Audeamus.com and Mayo Brains, among others. I write probably far more than would be healthy, between professional blogging, SEO copywriting, and the miscellaneous books and articles I have going at the moment. Nevertheless, living a holistic lifestyle is very much a part of who I am - and so, Mystik Health was born.

We also have Reverend Will Simond of Mystik Grove, who will guest blog about once or twice a week about what he knows best - Astrology, Tarot, Aromatherapy, and metaphysical theory. Go easy on him, he's new to blogging since he spends most of his time preparing classes and being a general metaphysical go-to guy.

I plan on having something new for you every single day - so come back often, and don't be afraid to tell us what you think!

Welcome to the Year of the Fire Pig

We have now entered the Chinese Year of the Fire Pig. Because 2007 is an odd year it is considered Yin.

By examining the Chinese animal signs, it is expected to be the best year for those born under the House of Tiger. Goats, Rabbits and Pigs can expect a very good year, filled with many of the advantages the Fire Pig has to offer. Roosters, Dragons, and Dogs will also feel the positive effects of the Fire Pig, although to a lesser extent than some of the other signs.

For Horses, Oxen, and Rats the results will be mixed, with ups and downs. For those with these signs 2007 will be unexceptional.

Monkeys and Snakes, however will feel the wrath of the Fire Pig.

What this year means for everyone

All signs should be watchful against being made a fool of during the year of the Fire Pig, for he is the ultimate jester and takes his joy at the folly of humans. This is a year to be content with the decisions and nature of others. Live and let live.

Indulgence, sex and sensuality the realm of the Fire Pig. Luckily for most of us, the Fire Pig also brings with it patience, and calm.

Lost or stolen items are likely to turn up this year. And, if you are dishonest in your business dealings, that fact will come to light. This would be a good year to change any dishonest practices.

All things have a beginning and an ending, birth, death and rebirth are natural cycle of the universe The year of the Fire Pig brings the death part of this cycle. You may find yourself tying up loose ends, finishing major projects, meeting long term goals and even saying goodbye to loved ones.

You may comfort yourself with the knowledge that all things that end bring on new beginnings, and this is a time for preparing for the new.

Monday, August 20

Using your natural biorhythm to your best advantage

We all know something about biorhythms. Basically, a biorhythm is an internal clock that regulates our bodies in relation to the daily positions of the sun, and the monthly positions of the moon. This can be seen in the time it takes our bodies to adjust to small changes, such as the changes of daylight savings time, or in large changes, such as jet lag. Our understanding of and interest in biorhythms has been recent, within the last thirty or forty years.

The ancient Chinese observed this connection between our bodies and the planets many centuries ago, and use it in their practice of acupuncture. They list a number of different biorhythms, from the normal twenty four hour cycle up through longer several day periods. All of these are used to follow and influence fluctuations in body energy.

Time is precious

In acupuncture, this energy circulates through each part of the body throughout the day, each organ having a two hour time for maximum energy and a time for minimum energy. For example, the major organs have their maximum energy in the following order: first the liver, then the lungs, large intestine, stomach, spleen, heart, etc., in sequence, for all of the twelve major organs.

This order was discovered by years of observing the times of day that the disorders of the various organs displayed their worst symptoms. The acupuncture practitioner can use the times of a patient's symptoms to help determine which organs and energy channels are affected, and also help select the favorable times to treat the patient.

For example, many of the worst asthma attacks take place during the wee hours, which is the maximum energy period of the lungs. The best time to treat these cases is at a time as close to this time as possible.

Re-balancing your energies

In the science behind acupuncture, a symptom may be caused by too much energy at an organ, and other symptoms by an insufficient amount of energy. (The determination of which symptoms fall into which category has been cataloged over many centuries, and there are many books on acupuncture detailing these for each of the major organs.)

The best time to treat a symptom associated with too much energy is during its maximum energy output, and a symptom with a deficiency in energy is just after the maximum output is over. Of course, it may not be possible to get to your practitioner at those particular times, and there are also other good choices at other times of the day.

In addition to the daily biorhythm, there are also ten day intervals associated with the moon, and so the acupuncture practitioner might strongly suggest that a particular day would be better for treatment than another, based on the particular symptoms reported.

Each day of the ten days is associated with one of two aspects of the Qi energy, and also associated with one of five elements. Particular organs are associated with particular elements, and so stimulation of these organs will be more successful on those days associated with the correct element.

It is important for us to take note of the times our symptoms occur as well as what our symptoms are, for that is important information in our acupuncture treatment plan. And know that the time and dates for our treatments are an important part of how well the treatment works.